The Inside Scoop on the New Affiliates Program

Now that we have moved the hosting of The Wander Workshops and all of our courses to a new platform with more features, it has opened up the chance for us to create an Affiliate program that is customisable, easy to track, gives us plenty of control over the way we operate it and more opportunity for you to make money!

So let us give you an update on what this means for you…

  • Each affiliate will be issued with a unique link to promote TWW products which will capture any contacts that sign up through the link as your contact.

  • Every course we currently sell is available for you to earn a commission on every sale from one of your leads
  • A lead is generated if a new contact adds their details and signs up for one of our lead in promotions. These are things like the FREE Masterclass or our Business Lounge Open Days.
  • A new lead will be tied to you for a period of 90 days from the date of their first contact with The Wander Workshops. This means if they want time to think about investing in anything from The Wander Workshops, you will still earn your money months down the track.
  • The commission is currently set to 20% and is based on the price paid and received in our account in Australian dollars. Since our products are advertised in US dollars your payments will vary based on the current exchange rate.
  • There will be no minimum payout so any time you have a payout due you should receive it around the 15th of the month immediately following the payment arriving in The Wander Workshops account.
  • We have been informed that there are updates to the software being worked on that will give you full access to your affiliate dashboard to allow you to track your leads, sales, and payments. Until this update is live we will endeavour to send a screenshot of your details monthly from our backend dashboard.

Here are a couple of examples…

1 – A person signs up for the Business Lounge open day using your affiliate link. They sign up for the Course and Business Lounge Bundle on the 28th March at a payment rate of $197 US per month for 4 months.

A payment of $284 AUD is deposited into TWW account on the 6th of April. You will be paid $56.80 on the 15th May and then 3 more payments monthly. As mentioned you may not get exactly the same amount each month due to exchange rates.

2 – A person signs up for the FREE Masterclass on the 28th March but doesn’t buy anything for over two months. On the 21st May they purchase the Full-time Travel Creator Course for $197 US. Because it is still within 90 days of initial signup you are still getting paid!

A payment of $286 AUD is deposited into TWW account on the 29th May. You will be paid $57.20 on the 15th June.